Lamp Repair Services


When the metal in the cord of your lamp darkens, it can be a sign that the older wiring in your lamp is oxidized and needs replacement. Without that replacement, your lamp may heat more than normal and become unsafe.


Most sockets (the parts that hold the bulbs) will wear out over time just from heat. If your new bulb flickers in the socket or won’t turn on at all, this is likely the problem.

Sockets are affected by heat and will wear out over time. This is one of the most common problems with lamps and can be tested by simply putting in a new bulb. If that bulb flickers on and off, we can replace your socket for you quickly.


Mover time, cords may become frayed due to repetitive movement, animal damage, or sharp objects. We can easily replace that cord for you.


The creation of a new lamp will always be one of our favorite projects to work on here at Myers. Designing new lamps allow us to collaborate with customers to create some truly cool projects. In the past, we have turned whiskey bottles like the one on the left into memorable and interesting centerpieces- you can check out those stories and photos on the page under Custom Projects. If you have an idea, bring it to us- we would love to help explore the possibilities.